Just A Quick Note Regarding What A Cashless Society Means…
This is by no-means the full list of implications and impacts on our lives. It does provide a glimpse into just how dark, how quickly our lives will be forever changed. Remember, once these deeply evil satanic-globalist acquire power, they rarely, if ever, give it up willingly. We could take it back anytime we want as we out number the evil at approximately 500/1 probably more, but that gives you an idea.
Check this out. You ready to lose all these freedoms and have the bank / government even deeper up your backside?
Anyone that trust the banks, federal government, big tech, big pharma or the media is living in a fantasy land. Please joins the Lions or be eaten like a goat.
— Natalie 🏴🌸🏴🌸 (@pureangel40) March 13, 2022